5 C’s of Desert Field work
Botanical field work in a harsh climate is an endurance sport. It is vitally important to prioritize the care of yourself, your team and your gear. You are a professional athlete existing in one of the world's extreme environments. However, you aren't just using your body, you're also required to apply your education and skills with limited external support aside from your team. Use this guide to limit fatigue, increase preparedness and be mindful of you and your team needs.
1. Cover
Cover all of your limbs, especially if you are fair. Wear long sleeves, long pants, a wide brimmed hat, sunscreen on exposed skin and a bandana; your shoes also are included. If you are doing field work that is off the beaten path in rough terrain, do not wear lightweight trail runners. You will get cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) in them and will cut your feet. I recommend wearing hiking boots that have a higher ankle and have leather uppers. Socks are vital to keep your feet happy and wool has great moisture-wicking properties. Using the right kind of field gear on your body will prevent the formation of injuries and heat-related illnesses.
2. Cool
Consider the kind of fabric you are using for your gear. I prefer to wear a cotton or linen 'overshirt' to protect my skin and keep cool. However, you need to be careful with chafing, so take frequent breaks and remove your pack to dry out. When I first started out, I would get my field clothes from the thrift store or use hand-me-downs from relatives. Now, I prefer light-colored shirts that have UV protection. Desert nights are very, very cold and the mornings are cool. Bring layers for day and night use. There’s a trend in the outdoor industry to be “ultralight”. You’re probably car camping, so weight isn’t as much of an issue. Bring what you think you will need. You will pare down your field work belongings as the weeks go on.
3. Coarse
The desert is a harsh environment, especially if you aren’t used to it. Your hair, skin, eyes, hands and lips will feel it the most because they are continually exposed to the dry air. I recommend finding a hydrating lotion and/or lip balm. If you have long hair, to prevent matting and painful tangles, try oiling your hair with jojoba, coconut oil or conditioner and braiding your hair in a protective style appropriate for your hair texture. Consider getting sunglasses that completely wrap around to protect your eyes from the dust and sunburn. I would skip wearing contacts and get prescription glasses and sunglasses. Getting sand in your contacts can cause corneal abrasion.
4. Care
Your physical, emotional and mental health are important to the success of field season. Physical health can include stretching in the morning and evening to avoid injury, inspecting your feet for blisters, splinters or other issues. Remove your boots when you're able to and wear sandals to let your feet breathe. This includes grooming: if water for bathing isn’t available, use baby wipes, bandanas, drybrush to get all the soil and sweat off of your body.
Bring food & drinks that you want to eat. This isn’t the time to try a new diet. Your body needs nutrients and you need to eat. Food needs to be shelf stable to avoid food-borne pathogens. Please drink electrolytes to avoid electrolyte depletion. I'm a blue-flavor gatorade gal. Let your crew members and/or crew lead know immediately if you are injured or aren’t feeling well.
Emotional health can include many things, but we’re going to focus on setting boundaries. You will be working closely with your co-workers for 8-16 weeks. It is likely that you will have disagreements: collection methodology, where to camp, where to gas up, what to listen to in the car, etc. If you feel safe to do so, speak up and communicate your needs. Your employer wants you to complete difficult tasks in a challenging environment. It is more expensive to hire and train a new crew member than to hear your concerns. See our Bill of Rights for Natural Resource Professionals.
Arguably, mental health is the most important factor to keeping your morale up during field season. My go-to for a quick pick-me up on a hard day are sweets. I'm a big fan ginger candies and fancy instant coffee for cold mornings. To build rapport with your crew, bring treats to share (barring food allergies or dietary restrictions). If you need to recharge after a long day, bring activities that you enjoy. I bring books (physical or electronic/audiobooks), a journal/notebook, travel-sized art supplies and my current knitting project.
5. Chaos
Something will go wrong during field season, it is just a matter of time. It could be multiple flat tires two hours away from the nearest tire shop, an allergic reaction or injury, or an acute safety incident.
I’ve found the best way to prepare for these situations is to have a personal first aid kit that holds your medications (OTC and prescribed), eye drops, bandaids, tweezers & needles (for removing splinters), alcohol wipes and neosporin. If you have asthma or severe allergies, inform your team members where your emergency medication is in your pack. Know where the nearest hospital, grocery store (water source), gas station and repair shop are. Be prepared to bail out if you or your team's safety is comprimised--few jobs are worth not coming home to your loved ones and this isn't one of them.
Some days are going to be awful and you will want to quit. If you do, that's okay. It's not for everyone and there are even more natural resource jobs in office environments than ever before.
If you liked this article and want to learn more about Desert Field Skills Training Workshops, contact Morgan via abbottanical@gmail.com.