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Botanical Surveys, Inventories & Assessments

Understanding What You Have

Botanical Surveys, Inventories and Assessments cover a broad range of what I do.  This process can be conducted in multiple ways depending on the client. I am AIM-certified and can conduct LPI and Species Richness inventories.


I generally walk or hike around your property for multiple seasons during the year, identifying and cataloging the species that I see. Revisiting the site during different seasons is vital to ensuring a correct ID and building a holistic picture of the ecosystem and species that are present. At the end of each visit, I put all species in a spreadsheet and organize them based on multiple factors including scientific nomenclature, location on the property, plant parts that can be used, propagation, and other aspects that the client is interested in.

Botanical Surveys, Inventories & Assessments: Services
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